Access Center: The First Step to Housing and Independent Living

Image of Weingart Access Center staff

The Weingart Access Center serves as a starting point for many L.A. residents who are experiencing homeless and wish to rebuild their lives. Our goal is simple: connect people to services and resources that can help them find stable housing and transition to independent living and self-sufficiency. Our Access Center is open to anyone experiencing homelessness or at risk of being homeless, regardless of a client’s history or experiences.

So, how does it work?

Step 1: Meeting the Intake Coordinator

A new client can walk into our Access Center or they can be referred to us by an outside agency. The client will have the opportunity to meet with one of our dedicated Intake Coordinators who will help the client complete necessary paperwork and, if needed, help the client obtain identification and other documentation, such as a California ID, Social Security Card, etc. Our Access Center team will also identify any additional barriers that a client might face on their journey out of homelessness and into permanent housing.

During the intake process, the Intake Coordinator will ask about the client’s history, such as what programs they’ve participated in, how long they’ve been homeless, and any medical and/or mental health issues they’ve experienced or are experiencing.

Additionally, the client will receive a Coordinated Entry System (CES) assessment to determine their needs as quickly as possible. The L.A. County CES is a network of homeless services in the County and is designed to ensure resources are distributed efficiently and equitably.

Using the information obtained during the intake process, the client will then be referred to a program that best suits their individual needs.

Step 2: Becoming a Weingart Center Resident

No two people experience homelessness the same way. This is why we don’t believe in a “one-size-fits-all” solution. Weingart Center programs and services are designed to offer innovative solutions that address the unique needs of a very diverse community. Some of the comprehensive wraparound services that our clients receive include, but are not limited to:

ACCESS to a dedicated case manager who will follow the client throughout their housing journey, gauging how things are going, and helping them stay on the path to independent living.

to our education and employment services, which are designed to help clients achieve their educational goals and further develop their skills, preparing them for job search and placement. We offer a variety of courses, tutoring sessions, GED programs, and resume review

to our clinical services department, which employs highly trained and compassionate mental health professionals. Services include individual and group therapy sessions focusing on trauma, domestic violence, grief and loss, substance abuse, and more

to our fully-staffed medical team for vision, dental, and general health services

to the Weingart Café, our community dining space that provides three healthy balanced meals a day to all Weingart Center clients

to specialized programs for women, the formerly incarcerated, and those with severe mental health diagnoses

The best way to get help is to ask for it. Anyone experiencing homelessness or at risk can contact or visit our center located in Downtown Los Angeles. On average, we see 20-30 people in our Access Center each day and receive about 40-50 calls to the office. Our Intake Coordinators are happy to help and are able to assist anyone on their journey out of homelessness.

For more information, we are located at:

📍 Access Center
Monday - Friday
7:30 AM - 6:00 PM
501 E 6th St
Los Angeles, CA 90021

📞 Phone: (213) 833-5020

After regular business hours:
566 S San Pedro St.
Los Angeles, CA 90013

(213) 627-5302

Jericho Kilpatrick

I am a freelance designer based in Los Angeles, CA. I began my career in the Creative Arts in 1994. I have served as Communications Director, Creative Director, Chief Creative Officer, and Gallery Director at various agencies and organizations.

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