Weingart Center

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Topping Out

Weingart Tower — Topping-Out Ceremony

hosted by Swinerton Builders

Similar to how artists sign work they’re proud of, Swinerton construction workers added their names to the final structural beam of Weingart Tower 1A, our newest permanent supportive housing development in downtown Los Angeles.

They are very proud of what they’ve been able to accomplish; and Weingart Center is certainly proud of them, too.

To celebrate their efforts on a job well done, Swinerton held a special Topping-Out Ceremony for crew members on Friday, June 30, 2023.

A topping-out ceremony is a ritual held by builders when the last beam or its equivalent is placed atop a structure during construction. It says, “We’ve reached the top, and we’re almost done!” It’s also a fantastic way to celebrate the hardworking crews.

During Friday’s event, there were a lot of tacos served, and a lot of celebration—celebrating construction crew members and celebrating the fact that, soon, hundreds of people will be living in the Tower, instead of on the streets.

Weingart Center will continue its work on Weingart Tower and other projects in an effort to end the cycle of homelessness.