600 San Pedro Groundbreaking, Success
On October 12, 2023, the Weingart Center hosted a special groundbreaking ceremony for 600 San Pedro, its newest permanent supportive housing development located in downtown Los Angeles.
Our Aging Homeless Population: A Growing Crisis
Homelessness is a pressing issue in America, affecting individuals from all walks of life. However, a concerning trend has emerged in recent years: the increase of elderly people within homeless communities.
On the Importance of Being Informed.
Due to the long-lasting impact that trauma has on physical and mental health, healthcare providers and policymakers are adopting trauma-informed organizational and clinical best practices that have the potential to improve health outcomes.
New Hope for Santa Monica Boulevard
Weingart Center has built and recently opened 11010 smB, offering permanent supportive housing for seniors and senior veterans, giving dignity and hope back to people without a home.
27th Annual Weingart Golf Classic — a Massive Success
Weingart’s Golf Classic raises money every year to address homelessness in Los Angeles, and 2023’s sold-out event proved to be a banner year.
11010 smB Ribbon Cutting, a Real Success
On February 15, 2023, the Weingart Center hosted a special ribbon-cutting ceremony for the grand opening of 11010 smB, its newest permanent supportive housing development for seniors and senior Veterans.
National Puzzle Day 2023
Puzzles are proven effective at team-building, increasing cognitive function, curbing boredom, and are perfect for socializing. The Weingart Center received puzzles of every variety from many generous donors, and on Friday, January 27, 2023, clients at our DTLA location enjoyed a Pizza and Puzzle Party.
L.A. Mayor Karen Bass Tours Skid Row, Weingart Center
On Friday, January 13, 2023, the Weingart Center welcomed Los Angeles Mayor, Karen Bass, as she toured Skid Row, the Weingart Center, and Weingart Towers, which are currently under construction.
Meet Nelson.
Nelson is 64 years old and was homeless for ten years—his car was his home. According to Nelson, he became homeless because he was unable to afford rent.
Los Angeles Rams Cheer Team Visits 11010 smB
On November 10, 2022, Los Angeles Rams cheerleaders and official LA Rams Mascot, Rampage, packed 50 Welcome Home Kits for clients moving into 11010 smB, the Weingart Center’s newest permanent supportive housing development for seniors and senior Veterans.
Weingart’s Newest Permanent Supportive Housing Solution for Seniors and Senior Veterans Opens Soon At 11010 Santa Monica Blvd
Having a safe place to call home is critical for people experiencing homelessness to get back on their feet and even more so for seniors and senior Veterans.
Empowering Women Through Enhanced Bridge Housing
The Weingart Center's Women’s Bridge Housing (WBH) program provides a safe and secure environment for female clients who are searching for permanent housing.
Weingart Virtual Gala 2022 sponsored by U.S. Bank Oct 16, 2022
Join Weingart Center President and CEO, Senator Kevin Murray (ret), along with members of the Weingart Executive Team and Board of Directors, and 200+ participants as we raise funds for critical Weingart Center programs and services during Southern California’s most talked-about virtual fundraiser — the Weingart Virtual Gala 2022 sponsored by U.S. Bank.
Weingart Center: Helping Those Experiencing Homelessness Move Toward Stability
The Weingart Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency that provides homeless individuals with the basic tools necessary to stabilize their lives, secure income, and find permanent housing.
Golfing for Good
We couldn’t be happier or more grateful! Not only did our 26th Annual Golf Classic Fundraiser exceed our fundraising goals and expectations, it was all for a very good cause: addressing homelessness in Los Angeles.
Challenging the Orthodoxy: Listen to Senator Kevin Murray (Ret.) Discuss Innovative Solutions on Swinerton Podcast
Weingart Center President & CEO, Senator Kevin Murray (Ret), sits down with Tom Dioro, writer, producer and host of The Modern Architect radio show and podcast on KZSU Stanford 90.1 FM for a great episode of The Modern Built Environment Podcast for Swinerton.
Introducing Hilda L. Solis Care First Village: Weingart Center’s Interim Housing Solution
The Hilda L. Solis Care First Village provides a home for unsheltered residents of Los Angeles and serves as a stepping stone through housing, wellness, employment.
Senator Kevin Murray (Ret) of the Weingart Center speaks about the 2021 LABC Institute Homelessness Survey
Hear from Weingart Center President and CEO, Senator Kevin Murray (Ret) along with other LABC members and leaders as they discuss the 2021 LABC Institute Homelessness Survey.
Meet Nicole - A Success Story
Nicole walked into our Downtown Access Center wishing to enroll in our Winter Shelter Program. Four days later she accepted a program transfer to our new Enhanced Bridge Housing for Women Roadmap Program.
Meet Sammy - A Success Story
Sammy was forced back to living on the streets of Downtown L.A. after being discharged from a facility where he no longer met the mental health requirements of that program.